Profit Distributions
Any money and profits earned are broken up and distributed as such below. This is subject to change in the future and as the magazine progresses. Updated as of 2/4/2024.
Interview Participants: 6 individuals who gave their time, personal stories, and collaborated on the design of their interview layout. Their stories are what make this first issue of Pussei*.
Main Editor: Caitlin Gear paid for all the upfront costs of creating and producing Pussei*, including monthly payments for using Canva Pro and Adobe InDesign to create the magazine, paying artists for their work and contribution, printing magazine copies, and the time and labor that went into the creation and coordination of Pussei*. *Caitlin will only take up to 10% of the funds to cover all the costs already incurred. If all their costs are recouped before the 10% mark, the rest of the funds will be divided equally and contributed to mutual aid and non-profit organization(s).
Artists Involved: All artists involved, including the interview of artist Mia Yuzon, were provided payment prior to publication. Since their artistry added to the design and whole of the magazine, we believe it’s important to include them in profit earnings.
Future Magazine Issues: This is the debut issue of Pussei* magazine and our hope is to continue to create future issues with new and different themes and topics. The funds utilized for future magazine issues may include creating the next issue or future issues and creating a staff of editors, writers, and artists. If future issues are not sustainable or cannot be created and produced, the left over funds will be distributed to the specified mutual aid or non-profit organization(s).
Mutual Aid and Non-Profit Organization(s): Donating and contributing funds to mutual aid and non-profit organizations that serve LGBTQIA+ people, people of color, women, children and youth is one of our values at Pussei*. We believe in written and theoretical activist work that takes action and helps and works with people we claim to support and care about. Pussei* may create its own mutual aid organization in the future, but for now we will contribute and hopefully partner with other organizations already doing the work.
For this issue focused on children and youth, the percentage of profits will be equally donated to the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund: Urgent Relief for Gaza’s Children, 3rd Street Youth Center and Clinic (San Francisco), and Somos Familia (San Francisco).
Any questions, comments, or concerns can be sent to pusseimag@gmail.com.